We are going to FOSDEM
Well, we have decided the speaker in our FOSDEM talk … and the winner is … Pablo!
Pablo is a gnome developer (gtranslator project) and he will open a blog as soon as posible Nacho is our backup-man whether any trouble happens .. but it won’t happen, i sure. I will try to post our trip and our feeling as newbies speakers in a great free software conference. Right now, i created a tag for FOSDEM posts for this post and add FOSDEM banner to this blog:
This week we must resove all burocracy paperwork yet and training our speech. So, this blog is already broadcasting FOSDEM experience!
Febrero 18th, 2008 at 1:52 pm
¡Gracias por la visita! y de vuelta en la blogosfera, veo que también estuviste de creación en los últimos meses ;-p